Ultimate Quest
Join Ian Clark and Michael Betts as they play through every zone in World of Warcraft in a journey to discover, through an exacting and rigorous science, which quest is truly the greatest of them all.

Welcome back to the Ultimate Quest, where we play through every zone in World of Warcraft to determine, through an exacting and rigorous science, which quest is truly the greatest of them all! This week, we leap out of the Searing Pan and into the Burning Fire, featuring Ian as Claude the dwarf warrior, and myself as Solais the dwarf priest.
Killin’s as easy as breathin’!
Welcome back to the Ultimate Quest, where we play through every zone in World of Warcraft to determine, through an exacting and rigorous science, which quest is truly the greatest of them all! This week, we boil blood sausages over the smoking ruins of local landmarks and critical infrastructure.
Don’t give up, hero! I won’t!
Welcome back to the Ultimate Quest, where we play through every zone in World of Warcraft to determine, through an exacting and rigorous science, which quest is truly the greatest of them all!
This week, we kick our feet up in a gentle winter wonderland - but not before we go on a bloody rampage through it.
For Khaz Modan!
This week, we put aside our prejudices to save the world from Armageddon with the lowest body count possible.
Even a box full of pretty paints is only a box if you don't use them right. We explore squandered world-building in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm's Hinterlands.
Sometimes dealing with an ecological disaster is more important than fighting a war. But can we tell a story on the back of relief work? Ian Clark and I examine scene-setting in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm's Wetlands.
In hope, we find forgiveness. But it's hard to keep a clear conscience when there is so much blood on our hands. We examine confused messaging in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm's Badlands.
To be an orc is to war. We explore how the greatest war is with one's self in World of Warcraft's Durotar.
Guest-starring Ian, as Ardann the Orcish Shaman!
Welcome back to the Ultimate Quest, where I play through every zone in World of Warcraft to determine, through an exacting and rigorous science, which quest is truly the greatest of them all!
Hot on the heels of Tirisfal Glades, so lacking in satisfying answers, comes Silverpine Forest, which answers even less. What it does do, however, is ask some very interesting questions. This week, we rejoin Professor Ammiel, (undead) gentleman and scholar, as he searches Silverpine Forest for a good skin cream.
We settle into a war-torn land forgotten by the kings who freed it. Is there any glory left for the heroes of the Scourge War?
Guest-starring Ian, as Claude the Warrior Dwarf!
Upon entering the Western Plaguelands from the Hinterlands, as we did, you are immediately struck by its beauty. Although the zone’s quests and villains largely center on the undead (primarily the pure-evil Scourge), the landscape is thriving: greening trees, blooming gardens, and not a single plagued bear/wolf/etc in sight (for now). This initial impression illustrates what will be the zone’s greatest strength as the Western Plaguelands show us a world moving on from war.
Alright, let’s do this.
I have embarked on an endeavor, my dears, to comb through the absolutely massive World of Warcraft in search of the best it has to offer.
Yes, you read that right.
We’re going to find the best World of Warcraft zone.