Posts in ultimatequest
Ultimate Quest: Chapter Thirteen - Burning Steppes

Welcome back to the Ultimate Quest, where we play through every zone in World of Warcraft to determine, through an exacting and rigorous science, which quest is truly the greatest of them all! This week, we leap out of the Searing Pan and into the Burning Fire, featuring Ian as Claude the dwarf warrior, and myself as Solais the dwarf priest.

Killin’s as easy as breathin’!

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Ultimate Quest: Chapter Four - Silverpine Forest

Welcome back to the Ultimate Quest, where I play through every zone in World of Warcraft to determine, through an exacting and rigorous science, which quest is truly the greatest of them all!

Hot on the heels of Tirisfal Glades, so lacking in satisfying answers, comes Silverpine Forest, which answers even less. What it does do, however, is ask some very interesting questions. This week, we rejoin Professor Ammiel, (undead) gentleman and scholar, as he searches Silverpine Forest for a good skin cream.

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Ultimate Quest: Chapter Two - Western Plaguelands

Upon entering the Western Plaguelands from the Hinterlands, as we did, you are immediately struck by its beauty. Although the zone’s quests and villains largely center on the undead (primarily the pure-evil Scourge), the landscape is thriving: greening trees, blooming gardens, and not a single plagued bear/wolf/etc in sight (for now). This initial impression illustrates what will be the zone’s greatest strength as the Western Plaguelands show us a world moving on from war.

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